Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Children laughed, the World flourished

Students of the School of Applied Sciences at Istanbul Gelişim University have signed a meaningful social responsibility project. The students met the needs of the students of an elementary school in Edirne with the project called “Let the Children Smile and the World Flourish”.

Created by the volunteer team of 29 students from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) School of Applied Sciences (UBYO) Banking and Insurance Department Gelişim Finance and Investment Club has reached many elementary school students with social responsibility projects they gave the name “Let the Children Smile and the World Flourish”.

All kinds of stationery and clothing materials collected within the scope of the project were carefully packaged by the volunteer team and delivered to 384 students attending an elementary school in Edirne.
Volunteer students who came together with the elementary school students and had pleasant moments said that “Let the Children Smile and the World Flourish” social responsibility projects will continue.

Children laughed, the World flourished Created Date: :   Wednesday, December 18, 2019

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