Istanbul Gelisim University

The Message of the President

Be Open to Development

We invite you to join our big family consisting of 5631 international students, a total of 36,592 students, and 49,666 graduates who have grown with leadership qualities, to accumulate beautiful memories at Istanbul Gelişim University on your career journey to the future. We know that the individuals who will leave a permanent mark on the world are those who believe in change and believe that change can only be achieved by the efforts of people open to development.

Dear Students,

Our age is now, in the strict sense, an education age. Aside from the education given by the family, we are entrusting our children to specialist trainers from the very young age. Kindergarten, primary and secondary school, high school and at the end of all this the beautiful destination – a successful university with international values!

The most beautiful and productive years young people will spend their lives perhaps are the years of university… As Istanbul Gelisim University, we deliver our young people through all the doors we open to the very center of qualified education, removing all obstacles in front of accessing information. We also know that education is not just about classrooms, conference rooms, or laboratories. With the social environment of our university, we are cultivating a culture of living together with our students. We show them everything they can learn about the department they are studying, and introduce the world and humanity to them, also aim to educate our students as entrepreneurial, researching, questionning, solution-oriented leaders of social development with high ethical values. We prove that we are on the right track at the point of realizing this goal taking place between Turkey's most preferred foundation universities.

Together with our valuable students, we are establishing a universal teaching and research institution based on the qualifications and accreditation principles and practices in accordance with international quality standards in qualified and professional training programs. At the same time, we are making a major contribution to the economic and cultural development of Turkey and the World with all these qualities.

Dear young people, Istanbul Gelisim University, is the only higher education institution accredited from Europe with 65 programs, and the Turkish University with the highest number of accredited programs. In this way, with the cooperation we have made with more than 130 world universities, we are increasing the possibilities for you to communicate with the world and different cultures.

As Istanbul Gelisim University, the steps we took on our way with the aim of internationalization and with the belief of becoming a world university, made tremendous impact. We took place as the only university from Turkey among 7 universities in the world in the final assessment of ‘Internationalization Strategy of the Year’ at the Times Higher Education (THE) Asia Awards 2019, recognised as ‘The Oscars of Higher Education’ where the best universities of Asia are determined.

With the campus area located in Istanbul, Turkey's and the world's financial and commercial center, we offer you a safe and qualified student life. We also create a warm atmosphere for our students who are away from their parents but want to live in a family environment.

Abdülkadir Gayretli
Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Created Date: :   Friday, March 15, 2019